Article • 4th February 2025

Spotlight on… Cerys Baker

Cerys Baker has enjoyed a diverse career so far with a background in the performing arts and management experience which took her to the Edinburgh Festival. Now an office administrator with ATT, Cerys supports various departments and ensures efficient office operations. Meet Cerys!

Can you share a little bit about your background and what brought you to the company?
I moved to London from South Wales in 2017 to study Drama and Theatre Arts at Goldsmiths. After graduating mid-way through the first Covid lockdown, I began producing and directing fringe theatre whilst working full-time in hospitality.  After that, I worked as an administrator in the property and estate management industry, which gave me a lot of insight into managing and supporting a busy office day to day. This previous role allowed me to develop a lot of skills that I am now building upon. More recently, I was looking for a position within a company whose work is more aligned with my passions and career goals, which is what brought me to ATT. 

What’s your job at ATT?
Office Administrator. 

What primary responsibilities will you focus on in your role?
My role is an umbrella of sorts for many responsibilities, but I mainly make sure that the office is running smoothly and support my colleagues in their respective departments. Each day varies. One day I might be busy booking travel, filing invoices and scheduling meetings; the next, I could be buying a cake for a birthday or overseeing my administrative project. I am still fairly new to the role and settling into my everyday routine, but I am enjoying learning all of the facets of my job so far. 

What is your favourite project you’ve worked on in your career?
I’d have to say that producing and directing a show for last year’s Edinburgh Fringe is a highlight.  However, I have always enjoyed planning events and gatherings. I’ve been lucky I’ve been able to do a lot of this throughout my career so far. In my last role, I helped organise garden parties and Christmas carol services, which was a lot of fun. 

What is the one thing people can’t guess from your LinkedIn profile?
I hate ketchup with a burning passion.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure or influential person, who would it be and why?
Stephen Sondheim, no doubt. I fell in love with his work and style in my teens after performing in my secondary school’s production of ‘Into the Woods’.

Favourite book/podcast/movie you’d recommend?
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King got me out of my reading slump a few years back, so it has to be that!